Aku nak mintak tolong kawan2 blogger yang budiman yang singgah sini tolong undi gambar No.3 dalam contest Foto Chinta Suci anjuran En. FirdHaikal
Boleh kan..
Undi Di sini----->FOTO CHINTA SUCI
Ingat!Foto no. 3
I slept and dreamed that life was beauty, I woke up and found that life was duty.
kalo menang..kena blanja nih hii
sy undi utk kamu okeh...
good luck!
to: farhana
no prob...hihihi
to : ixor@
thanx Cik Pora
vote 4 u..gud luck n hepi new year..
jap lagi kita gi mengundi
thanks ye zahir sbb undi satu untuk no 31..
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